It was a lot of fun to hang out the Keller Family. As my girls get bigger, they are finally able to interact with Sophie and it makes me so excited to watch them be friends for life!
Kisses from Aunt Shan-Shan!
This is the story of Andy and Jenni, who met in 99 and fell in love. Got married in 02 and started a family in 06. Now, they're Andy and Jenni, parents of twin girls, Lauren and Jillian, with another girl on the way in July 08. Life is good. Come hang out with us.
Kisses from Aunt Shan-Shan!
Getting ready to dive in!
Jillian looks like she was born for this!
Lauren was much more "neat" about the whole thing, but enjoyed her cake all the same.
These were their small butterfly cakes I made for them.
Lauren and Grandpa playing with her new musical giraffe toy.
Here's a shot of Landon (son of our good friends, Amos and Crystal) - I think the girls may fight over this guy some day!
It's official, Jillian has taken her first steps. She did it first yesterday afternoon while daddy was playing with her and encouraging her to do it. She took one step, then two. Later, when my parents were here, we captured this video of her showing off her new skills to Papaw.