Isn't she beautiful?
My girls are looking so much older to me! When I see them in pictures (like these) I can't believe how big they're getting. It seems like since their birthday, they've been doing so many new "big girl" things. Here are a few examples...
1) Lauren is now walking
2) Jillian will now point to want she wants and then sign "more" - communicating that she wants something specific.
3) Lauren's hair is long enough for "big girl" pig tails - and she is too cute for words in them.
4) Lauren said "Hi! Sissie!" to Jillian the other day.
5) Jillian now has six teeth (four on top, two on bottom). She is working on more (cranky), but I can't figure out which ones are coming.
6) I bought them their first toothbrushes this week (they have Snoopy on them). They used them for the first time tonight. Mostly just chewed on the bristles, but the Dr. says that's enough for now.
7) They will both "talk" on their phones and Lauren says "Hello!" when she puts it to her ear.
8) Jillian is losing her "rubberband" chubby baby wrists.
It's happening too fast. They get cuter all the time, but it's hard to let go of them as my babies.
I heard a mommy say once that when your child is in your stomach, is the only time that you can control them. And once they leave your womb, it's a continual process of letting go.
So true. I know it only gets harder and harder too, as your babies become "people" with personalities and dreams.
Andy and I are just trying to enjoy every moment.
Awww, Jenni! You made me all misty eyed. Your girls are getting big and Lauren in those pigtails is just too cute! The Hi Sissie comment is just too sweet. Cherish these moments because they do grow way to fast.
I love Jillian's eyes in that last pic, and Lauren's pigtails are sooooo cute! I know what you mean about them growing up too fast - it's heartbreaking yet cool at the same time!
I completely get what you mean about growing up too fast. And, with the long journey it took for both of us to get our cutie pies, you just want to hold onto that baby stage even longer. Yet, you are excited to see them grow. Lauren looks way too cute with those pig tails!!
They are both soooo beautiful...just like their mommy! They melt my heart and make me need a Lolo and Jilli fix.
they really are getting so big! They are turning into such beauties! They are such blessings! Thanks for letting me be a part of their life!
Wow my cousins are getting so big and cuter than ever!! Love yah
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